Alpha Class Ships

Up to 5 crew

The Alpha Class include a single escape pod each which can support up to 4 life forms and will, upon ejection from the ship, proceed directly towards the nearest habitable landing position. This could be a mining station in the asteroid belt, a habitable planet among the inner planets or a moon harvesting station among the outer planets. Those aboard the escape pod have no control over which location they are taken to and the landing is random once they arrive at their destination.

All speeds are given in Mm (mega-metres, 1,000,000 metres) per round (6 seconds)
Crew Capacity Up to 5 crew members
Guest Capacity Up to 2 (without livestock)
Livestock Capacity Up to 5 creatures (without guests)
Hit Points 100
Armour Class 30
Speed 2 Mm
Cost 100,000 Credits
Fuel Cylinders Required Per Day 2
Cost per Fuel Cylinder 25 (50 total)
Stored Fuel Capacity 50
Weapons None by default

Engine Upgrades

No more than 1 upgrade may be installed at a time

Upgrade Description Cost
Gen II Engines Speed increased to 2.5 Mm 3,000 Credits
Gen III Engines Speed increased to 3 Mm 5,000 Credits

Weapon Upgrades

No more than 1 upgrade may be installed at a time

Upgrade Description Cost
Particle Cannons Ship Weapon. +15 to hit. 1d20 damage. Range 25 Mm. 2,500 Credits
Thermal Cannons Ship Weapon. +17 to hit. 1d20 + 5 damage. Range 50 Mm. 5,500 Credits
Laser Cannons Ship Weapon. +20 to hit. 2d20 + 10 damage. Range 100 Mm. 12,500 Credits

Armour Upgrades

No more than 1 upgrade may be installed at a time

Upgrade Description Cost
Phantom Armour Increases Armour Class to 32 5,000 Credits
Pegasus Armour Increases Armour Class to 34 7,500 Credits
Void Armour Increases Armour Class to 36 12,500 Credits