Karovelon, the Eternal World

The dream of permanence

Karovelon is a mythical place told of throughout the long history of the Pithik, Arkoan and Erponic civilisations. Rooted in the ever changing nature of the Mavros System in which constant effort is required to keep the planets in orbit and to find rogue stars to feed the black hole in order to provide enough light and heat to sustain the inhabitants. All religious texts refer to a perfect world in which no such effort is required and those that live there do so at ease and without fear of annihilation.

Both the followers of Archos and the followers of Telos believe in Karovelon and it appears in almost all religious imagery though there are some striking differences in the interpretation.

In the Texts of Archos

Weavers of Archos describe Karovelon as a planet either already in existence or that Archos will create and that will come in time to Mavros. They depict it as a perfect world which will form a stable orbit and remain in it. Moreover, many depictions imagine it as containing its own source of light and heat so that those who will come to live on it will no longer need to perform great feats of space engineering in order to survive.

Burial Rituals of the followers of Archos involve storing the remains of the deceased in cryogenic storage vaults that orbit at the outermost edge of the system. They believe that one day, when Karovelon is found, the dead will be brought to it where they will rise and live again.

In the Texts of Telos

Weavers of Telos describe Karovelon as the singularity Mavros itself. They believe that the only true stability comes from the void itself, with the notion that "you cannot destroy what does not have form". They imagine the singularity as being prepared for them and believe that one day the faithful will be called into it where they will live in quiet darkness forever more.

Burial Rituals of the followers of Telos involve taking the deceased to the asteroid belt where they are released in a coffin on a rapidly decaying orbit towards the event horizon of Mavros. They believe that the dead will be waiting in Karovelon, alive again in peace.