Archos, Goddess of Creation

And the Demi-Gods of Creation


Archos, the goddess of creation, is said to have made all things in the beginning and is described in the religeous texts of the Mavrosian Civilisations as continuing to crochet more into being as the universe continues to expand and more matter comes towards the black hole for use by the inhabitants.

She is depicted in many periods of artwork by the three species and is almost always shown as being an impossibly enormous space dragon, holding in one clawed hand a ball of glistening yarn and in the other hand an intricately carved crochet hook.

Weavers of Archos, the priests and evangelists of the goddess, wear bright colours and are taught to be optimistic and outgoing though they are also rigid and respectiful of rules and order.

Whenever new matter arrives in the Mavros system from the wider galaxy (asteroids, planets and stars) the refrain of the faithful is "Archos Provides!"

The Demi-Gods of Creation

While Archos does not appear in any physical form, she has four manifestations of herself that move about the Mavros system

  • Klostis takes the form of a Pithik
  • Yfantis takes the form of an Arkon
  • Katharistis takes the form of an Erpon
  • Paragogis takes the form of a Space Dragon

These manifestations may be petitioned to and have been known to interact with inhabitants of the system however they are discerning of who they will speak with, generally favouring the Weavers of Archos. They cannot die, though their physical forms can be destroyed. If this happens, the consciousness of the demi-god is released and reforms as a new manifestation on Pithika (Klostis), on Arkona (Yfantis), on Erponia (Katharistis) or in space (Paragogis) a safe distance from their attacker.