
Life savers of the Mavros system

Medics are the first aiders, doctors, nurses and carers of the Mavros system. They are fully trained in the creation and deployment of medpacks, the identification and treatment of disease and the prevention and neutralisation of poison and venom. They are well educated and have a good understanding of nature, both flora and fauna.

From varying levels Medics gain abilities and bonuses that they can use throughout their journeys ...

Class Bonuses

From Level Title Description
1 STABILISE An action requiring two rounds, a Medic may bind the wounds of a fallen ally that is unconscious but not dead, restoring them to a number of hit points equal to the medic's levels in Healing (or the fallen character's maximum hit points if that is less). If the Medic takes damage before completing the second round of this ability they must start over on the next round.

Class Abilities

From Level Title Description
1 MEDPACKS The Medic can produce the same number of Simple Medpacks per day as their Medic level.
2 MEDICAL SCIENCE 2 extra levels in Science
3 ANTI-VENOMS The Medic can produce the same number of Anti-Venoms per day as their Medic level.
4 NATURAL REMEDIES 2 extra levels in Nature
5 PREVENTATIVE MEASURES An experienced Medic is able to produce a dose that gives the drinker 5 temporary hit points. The Medic can produce the same number of doses per day as their level.