
Champions of commerce

Corsairs are the captains of independent star ships and the keepers of shops, stores and trading posts. They are smart and shrewd and very aware of the value of goods and the potential loyalty of customers and crew members alike. They are usually licensed by the Central Intelligence to convey goods and trade in bulk though some unlicenced Corsairs will take more questionable work if the price is right.

From varying levels Corsairs gain abilities and bonuses that they can use throughout their journeys ...

Class Bonuses

From Level Title Description
1 DASHING FIGHTER You may swap your strength modifier for your dexterity modifier on melee attacks.

Class Abilities

From Level Title Description
1 LICENCE TO TRADE A registered Corsair is permitted to run a ship or stores business, though they still prohibited from the buying or selling of contraband items.
2 GIFT OF THE GAB 2 extra levels in Persuasion
3 BLASTER PROFICIENCY Through experience, a Corsair has learnt the use of Blasters and Heavy Blasters.
4 A QUIET GETAWAY 2 extra levels in Stealth
5 TRUE AIM Blaster attacks automatically hit if the Corsair has not yet been seen by the target.